Connect and Engage

There are many ways to get involved in improving your life and improving Hawaii.

Following are some organizations you can connect with:


Housing & Homelessness

The Institute for Human Services
Mission: To create and offer tailored housing solutions for those in crisis, and nurture homeless people toward greater self-direction and responsibility.

Family Promise
Mission: To help homeless and low-income families achieve sustainable independence by mobilizing existing community resources

Mission: To provide the continuum of support that empowers Hawaii’s street youth to move beyond homelessness.

Hale Kipa
Mission: Provide opportunities and environments that strengthen and encourage youth, their families and communities to actualize their potential and social responsibility.

HomeAid Hawaii
Mission: Donating professional building industry services and materials to help end homelessness in Hawaii.

Economic Opportunities

Mana Up
Mission: Help Hawai’i companies become global companies, bringing to the world what really makes Hawaiʻi special.

Hawaiʻi Investment Ready
Mission: Support the people and organizations addressing Hawai‘i’s social and environmental issues by accelerating social enterprise impact and access to investment.

Mission: diversify Hawaii’s economy developing a flourishing technology industry that provides quality, high-paying jobs for Hawaii residents.

Elemental Excelerator
Mission: Help startups change the world, one community at a time.


UH Office of Sustainability
Mission: To compliment, support and enhance the existing sustainability work under way, and to provide coordination capacity for campuses to share information and resources with each other to accelerate action to strengthen the environmental, social, cultural and economic health of our islands’ communities.

Biocultural Initiative of the Pacific
Mission: Link scholars, instructors and students who share the common goal of thinking holistically to enhance understanding of biocultural systems.

Hawaii ‘Ulu Producers Cooperative
Mission: To build a network of small-scale, diversified farms on Hawai‘i Island that grow breadfruit and to improve community access to this amazing, nutritious food.

Sustain Hawaii
Mission: To help transform our islands’ capacity for enduring self-reliance by balancing ecological, socio-cultural and economic needs through community education, innovative practice and advocacy.

Ulupono Initiative
Mission: To improve the quality of life for the people of Hawaii by investing in Hawaii-focused businesses and organizations.

KUA Hawaiʻi
Mission: Empower communities to improve their quality of life through caring for their biocultural (natural and cultural) heritage. Our vision is ʻāina momona — abundant and healthy ecological systems in Hawaiʻi that contribute to community well-being.

Nā Kama Kai
Mission: Empower children by connecting our keiki to the kai and ʻāina to nurture a deeper sense of aloha and kuleana for the natural environment and themselves.

Blue Planet Foundation
Mission: Change the conversation about clean energy. By creating sustainable models in Hawaii, we’re fueling the global transformation from fossil fuels to renewable solutions.

City and County of Honolulu Office of Climate Change, Sustainability and Resiliency
Mission: Track climate change science and potential impacts on City facilities, coordinating actions and policies of departments within the City to increase community preparedness, developing resilient infrastructure in response to the effects from climate change, and integrating sustainable and environmental values into City plans, programs, and policies.

Hawaii Emergency Management Agency
Mission: Every family and individual should have a written plan detailing actions to prevent loss of life and property during an emergency.

Institute for Climate and Peace
Mission: Advance effective and inclusive processes to build peaceful and climate-resilient futures for the wellbeing of all, especially the most vulnerable.


Mission: To foster student engagement and achievement via real-world application of interdisciplinary content knowledge that supports the social emotional development required for community and civic engagement in addition to promoting skills related to college and career readiness.

Purple Maiʻa
Mission: To inspire and educate the next generation of culturally grounded, community serving technology makers.

Education Incubator
Mission: Offer a wide range of programming to create access and opportunity for youth in Hawaiʻi and beyond to create radical change now.

Partners in Development
Mission: Hoʻoulu a hoʻolako ʻo Partners in Development Foundation i nā ʻohana me nā kaiāulu e loaʻa ka lei o ka lanakila a e lawelawe pono ma o ka moʻomeheu a me ka mauli ola Hawaiʻi.
To inspire and equip families and communities for success and service using timeless Native Hawaiian values and traditions.

Nā Pono No Nā
Mission: While many preschools focus on the child, Nā Pono No Nā ʻOhana focuses on the entire family. Staff like to say instead of “no child left behind,” the program’s mission is “no family left behind.” Nā Pono No Nā ‘Ohana serves families using the four components of Family Literacy from the National Center for Families Learning: PACT (Parents And Children Together), Child Education, Parent Education, and Adult Education.

Kinai ʻEha
Mission: To provide an alternative education option to ‘ōpio (youth) that are in need of and seeking purpose, personal empowerment, education, Hawaiian cultural identity and connection, workforce training in construction and the trades, community service and leadership.

Health & Wellness

Mission: Address barriers that are the root causes for health disparities among Native Hawaiians and help to FREE (Feed, Reconnect, Educate, and Empower) participants by providing the tools necessary to move them toward a healthier lifestyle.

Community, Culture & Ohana

Waiwai Collective
Mission: Cultivating a community that takes the creative risks necessary to put collective values into daily practice, affirm shared responsibilities, and learn together to create a more waiwai future.

Conscious Concepts
Mission: Provide project management, event production and place-based travel programming services to social enterprises, community development, educational and nonprofit organizations, whose goals are in service to strengthening community health, well-being and resiliency

Civics & Social Justice

Mission: Prepares offenders for a successful reentry back into community living to reduce recidivism.

Pūʻā Foundation
Mission: To actively engage, facilitate and serve communities and their efforts to build a resilient society and improve upon their quality of life through healing and reconciliation efforts that address consequences of the 1893 overthrow.

Hawaiʻi Children’s Action Network
Fight for the safety, health, and education of our keiki.

Hawaii Data Collaborative
Mission: Promote a culture of data-informed decision making in Hawaii by making well-being data more accessible, relevant, and meaningful.

Hau’oli Mau Loa Foundation
Mission: In partnership with others, we seek to expand for those less fortunate, especially children, opportunities to find hope for their future, and we seek to enhance stewardship, preservation and protection of the environment.

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